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Hopeless Page 12
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Page 12
It had been a long time since Victoria had met someone as likeable as Tori. It was obvious that, in spite of her fame, she didn’t take herself too seriously, and she still didn’t give a rip what people thought about her. “Have you always given him such a hard time?”
Tori took another sip of her beer before responding. “I know he’s a cop and he deals with death and depravity every day, but geez, you’d think the guy would lighten up once in a while.”
The Mike she knew had been fun, confident, and flirtatious, yet he seemed like a completely different person around Tori. Victoria couldn’t help but wonder if the mega-star might actually intimidate him. In his line of work, he was used to being the one to intimidate others, but Tori clearly threw him off his game.
“So, what’s your deal?” Tori asked.
Had anyone else posed the question, Victoria might have been offended, but she was beginning to understand being blunt was just Tori’s M.O. “I’m working for Jay, managing his new karate studio.”
“Now he’s a hottie.” Tori turned around to look for the man in question. “Hey, where’d he go? He was here a minute ago.”
Victoria had been so entertained by the exchange between Tori and Mike, she hadn’t even noticed him slip away. “I’m not sure.”
“Okay, so what’s the deal with you and the hotshot?”
Hotshot. Victoria smiled when she realized Tori was talking about Mike. “Why do you call him that?”
She shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess ‘cause I know it pisses him off.”
“And you like pissing him off?”
Her blue eyes sparkled with amusement. “It’s damn near the highlight of my day.”
“Well… to answer your question, Mike and I just started seeing each other.” She wasn’t lying; dinner, drinks, and movies qualified as seeing each other. She couldn’t risk telling Tori the truth about their relationship in case it got back to Jay.
“Huh, you don’t seem the type he usually goes for.”
“Really? What type is that?”
Tori rolled her eyes. “God, the last one would’ve jumped at the sight of her own shadow.” She covered her mouth when a giggle escaped her lips. “I gave him a really hard time about her. Man, did he get mad.”
“But that didn’t stop you?”
“Why would it stop me? I love to get him all riled up. It’s good to keep him on his toes.” She took another sip of beer. “You know, I have a theory about him.”
“Do tell.”
“He’s used to dealin’ with these bad-ass criminals who damn near wet their pants when he says boo, so he thinks the rest of us should treat him the same way.”
Victoria suspected Tori was onto something with her analysis of Mike, but it didn’t escape her notice she must have spent a lot of time thinking about it to come to that conclusion. “That’s why you think he likes submissive women?”
“I know it is. Jay, on the other hand, is a different story.”
Victoria tried not to get her back up when Tori mentioned Jay for the second time in as many minutes. She already knew Tori found him attractive, and he’d have to be blind not to notice Tori’s obvious attributes. She couldn’t help but wonder if they’d ever…
“Jay looks all mean and bad-ass, but he’s not afraid of women who challenge him. I like that.”
“Yeah, me too.”
“I mean, who the hell wants someone who’s gonna jump when they ask ‘how high?’ Am I right? Really, what does Mike see in girls like that anyways?”
Victoria didn’t know, but she sensed it bothered Tori a whole lot more than it bothered her. “I don’t know. Why don’t you ask him?”
“Oh please, like he’d be willin’ to give me a straight answer.”
“He just might surprise you, Tori.”
She shrugged. “Whatever. It’s not like I care.”
Victoria grinned. “Riiiight.”
Jay grabbed his brother by the back of the shirt. “I wanna talk to you, now.”
“Whatever it is, I’m not in the mood.”
“Yeah, too damn bad. I want to know what the hell’s goin’ on between you and Victoria.” Jay had been trying to hold his tongue all night. He knew this wasn’t the time or place to get into it with his brother, but he couldn’t help himself. Not knowing where things stood was killing him.
Mike poured a shot of Jack Daniels into a crystal glass. “You’ll have to ask her.”
It wasn’t like Mike to drink heavily at family functions, and he never got the behind the wheel after he’d knocked back more than one beer. “Are you drivin’ tonight?”
“No, Victoria drove. My truck’s in the shop.”
Damn. Jay was hoping they’d arrived at the party in separate vehicles. “Tell me somethin’. Are you really into her, or are you just doin’ this to piss me off?”
Mike threw back the drink in one mouthful and grimaced. “I couldn’t care less whether you’re pissed. I’ve got my own problems.”
Jay frowned when Mike reached for the bottle again. “What the hell’s got you all worked up?”
“Can you believe…” Mike took a deep breath. “You know what, it doesn’t matter. I don’t know why I let anything she says get to me.”
Jay could only hope Mike and Victoria were already on the outs. “Who the hell are we talkin’ about?”
Jay couldn’t help but laugh. He knew how his brother felt about the newest addition to Luc’s label. He couldn’t stand her and it seemed the feeling was mutual. “What’d she do this time?”
“She started off by tellin’ me I couldn’t hold my liquor…”
Jay glanced at the crystal glass Mike was gripping in his hand. That explained the drinking. “Go on. What else did she say?”
“She started goin’ off about the women I date… like it’s any of her goddamn business who I go out with. Every time I pass the checkout stand at the grocery store, I have to see her smug mug starin’ back at me with some new boy toy hangin’ off her arm. It makes me sick.”
Jay had never known his brother to pay attention to tabloid gossip. “You know you can’t believe everything you read. Just ‘cause those rags say Tori’s datin’ a different guy every month doesn’t mean she is.”
Mike reached for the bottle again, but Jay snagged it just in time. “Man, you need to slow down with this stuff.”
Mike all but growled when Jay held the bottle just out of his reach. “Who the hell are you to tell me what to do?”
“Man, what’s your problem tonight?”
“Nothing. I gotta get some fresh air.”
Jay watched him throw the patio door open and stalk outside as he stood there trying to figure out what the hell he was missing.
Victoria stepped inside and smiled at Jay. “Hey there. I was hoping I’d get a chance to talk to you.”
It didn’t matter they’d spent all day together, Jay would be happy to spend all night with her as well. “You have any idea what’s got my brother in such a mood?”
“Uh, I think it might have something to do with Tori.”
“I figured as much. What’d she say to him?”
Victoria climbed up on the stool at the granite breakfast bar. “She was just teasing him.” She sipped carbonated water through a straw. “I don’t think he liked it.”
“Yeah, he’s always been like that. He can dish it out, but he can’t take it. Pussy…”
She laughed as she pushed against his shoulder. “You’re nasty.”
“What? I’m not lyin’.” Okay, maybe he was exaggerating a little. He didn’t think anyone would ever use that particular word to describe his gun-wielding brother.
God, he loved to make her laugh. “You havin’ fun tonight?”
She practically lit up when she responded. “Everyone’s been so great to me. You were right when you said they’re just like you and me.”
Jay was relieved to know she felt at ease with his family and friends. He wanted her to ac
knowledge how easy it would be for her to find her place in his world. “I’m glad you’re gettin’ along with everyone. Figures my brother would leave you to fend for yourself though.”
“I’m not by myself. I’m with you.”
She peeked up at him through her long lashes as she sipped her drink and his heart clenched. He wanted to be the man by her side every day and night, but how could he let her know how he felt without scaring her off?
Before he had a chance to plead his case, his half-sister, Brianna, came barrelling through the patio doors and launched herself into his arms. “Daddy just told me about your present. Thank you, thank you, thank you.” She wrapped her arms around his waist and laid her head on his chest. “You are the best big brother ever.”
Jay chuckled as he squeezed her tighter. “Just make sure you tell Mike that, baby doll.”
Victoria smiled as she watched the scene play out. “Mind if I ask what he gave you to warrant such an honor?”
“He’s arranged for me and my friends to be picked up by a limo…” She squealed as she jumped up and down. “And we’re goin’ to the hottest…” She fanned her face. “I mean the hottest club in the city.”
Victoria raised an eyebrow at Jay, who shrugged his shoulders.
“Oh my God, I have to go and call everyone. They’re gonna die when they hear about this.”
“Isn’t she a little young to be going to nightclubs?”
He laughed. “This is a teen hangout, for underage kids. Trust me, it’s just music, dancin’, and soft drinks. A buddy of mine owns the place, and I’ve given the limo driver strict instructions to hang around all night. She’ll be fine. My own old man and Lexi are totally on board with the idea.”
Her eyes softened. “You’re so sweet. You just made her day; hell, I’d venture a guess you made her year.”
“The friend who owns the place is one of my black belt students. He’s working on his second degree now, and I’ve given him a lot of private, one-on-one instruction. He wanted to repay me, so he reserved this V.I.P. room for the kids. Bri doesn’t know yet. I thought I’d let it be a surprise when they get there.”
“She’s right, you know. You are just about the best big brother ever.”
“I love her. If I can do something to make her birthday memorable, why wouldn’t I, right?”
Victoria lowered her head and Jay remembered she’d never celebrated a birthday before… no presents, cake, cards, friends to help her celebrate the passing of another year. He’d do anything to wipe the slate clean and replace her painful memories of the past. “Describe your ideal birthday celebration.”
She frowned, creating a crease between her arched eyebrows. “I’ve never thought about it. What’s the point? You know I don’t celebrate birthdays.”
“Fine, call it whatever you want. What’s your ideal celebration look like?”
She closed her eyes. “Fine, I’ll play along.” Her full mouth tipped up at the corner. “We’re on a rooftop terrace. There’s a table for two, champagne, a thousand stars in the sky, and fireworks going off in the distance.” She sighed, as though she was so caught up in her vision she forgot where she was. “Music… dancing…” She grinned. “It’s a warm night, so there might be a blanket and some soft pillows…” She blushed as her eyes flew open. “Sorry, I guess I was getting a little carried away.”
He reached for her hand across the counter. “You know my favorite part of your fantasy?”
She bit her lip as she looked down at their joined hands. “No. What?”
“I was in it. You said we. Did you even realize that?” He didn’t want to push too hard, but he knew if he allowed her to retreat again, she would.
“No, I guess it just sort of slipped out.”
He came around the counter and positioned himself between her legs as he cradled her face in his hands. “It’s what you want... to be with me. I know it is. I don’t understand why you’re fightin’ it. Why are you here with Mike, pretendin’ you’re into him when we both know you’re not?”
She closed her eyes as she drew a deep breath. “Don’t do this. Please.”
“I was watchin’ you two together tonight, and it’s so damn obvious. You may like him as a friend, but you two’ll never have the kind of connection we do. Tell me something, are you usin’ my brother to try and make me jealous?” He didn’t want to believe she could be so manipulative, but it was the only explanation that made sense.
She pushed against his shoulders, forcing him to take a step back as she slid off the stool. “Nice to know you think so highly of me, boss.”
He grabbed her wrist. “Vic, wait… I didn’t mean to offend you. I’m just tryin’ to understand what the hell’s goin’ on here.”
“I’m your employee, end of story.”
“That’s not all there is to it and you know it.” He ran his other hand over his head. “Look, you’ve been runnin’ hold and cold since I met you. Why?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I thought I made it pretty clear how I feel about you.”
“Yeah, you did.” He looked her in the eye, sliding a finger under her chin when she tried to look away. “The day in the elevator.”
“That never should’ve happened.”
“Like hell.”
He was trying to rein in his frustration, but he wasn’t used to women shutting him down. In fact, he was usually the one trying to slow things down before his girlfriend started picking out engagement rings or making noise about moving in together, but he knew he’d love to hear those words slip past Victoria’s sweet lips. Logically, he knew it was too soon to start thinking about forever, but he needed to know there was a chance for them to build a life together.
“You don’t even know me, Jay.”
“I’ve gotten to know you better in the past couple of days than women I’ve dated for months.” He tried to slip his hand in to hers, but she pulled back, just out of his reach. “We work. Admit it.”
“I can’t.” She took a step back. “Stop, please.” She turned away.
“Where the hell are you going?”
“To find your brother. I need to get out of here.”
Chapter Twelve
Jay was just falling asleep when his eyes flew open.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
He laid there listening, praying this was just a bad dream and he’d wake up any second.
“Oh God, oh Mike…”
Oh, he was going to kill his brother. Jay jumped up without bothering to reach for the T-shirt at the end of his bed. He threw his door open, causing it to ricochet off the console table positioned behind the door. He couldn’t care less about broken furniture when the only thing on his mind was busting his brother’s head open.
He pounded on Mike’s door, planning to give him ten seconds before he split the panel with one well-placed kick. That was one of the advantages of being a martial artist; he routinely broke wood for sport.
“What the hell…” Mike opened the door a crack and Jay forced his way inside.
“What were you thinkin’, man?” Jay asked, getting in his face. “It wasn’t enough to go out with her? You had to bring her home and do her here, in your apartment, knowing damn well I could hear everything?”
Mike put his hand up. “Listen, you’re way off base.”
Jay was standing close enough to smell the stench of alcohol, not that it excused Mike’s behavior. He knew, with aching certainty, their relationship would never be the same again. “Of all the women you could have had. Why her?”
“It wasn’t her.”
Jay turned around to see Tori standing in the hallway, wearing one of Mike’s button-down shirts. Thankfully, it brushed her knees. “What the hell—”
“Are you happy now?” Mike asked, walking into the adjoining kitchen.
“No, hell no. What are you doin’ sleepin’ with Tori?” He followed him into the kitchen and scowled when Mike reached into the overhead cabinet for a bottle of pain re
liever. “You’ve been seein’ Victoria, yet you take off with someone else?”
Jay left his father’s house right after his argument with Victoria, so he wasn’t exactly sure how it had happened, but the fact Tori wound up in his brother’s bed tonight told him everything he needed to know about Mike’s relationship with Victoria.
Mike popped two pills into his mouth and reached for bottled water inside the fridge. “Tori said she was headin’ in my direction and wouldn’t mind givin’ me a lift. We took a little detour and ended up at Jimmy’s…” His eyes traveled to Tori, who was standing just outside the door. “Let’s just say I had a few too many shots, and I made one hell of a mistake.”
Tori’s eyes flashed and her mouth fell open before she snapped it shut again. “You made a mistake?” She snorted. “Hell, you give new meanin’ to the word.” She turned on her heel and stormed down the hall.
“That was harsh,” Jay said, wincing when she slammed the bedroom door.
“It never should’ve happened.”
Jay didn’t care about his brother’s regret right now; he had his own problems. “Tell me what’s goin’ on between you and Victoria, and I want the whole goddamn story. Don’t leave anything out.”
Mike tipped the water bottle up to his lips. “I like her a lot, but we’re just friends. There was never anything between us; we both knew that from the beginning.”
Jay was relieved to hear his brother wasn’t harboring any feelings for Victoria, but it still stung to know they’d set out to deceive him. “Then why’d you pretend there was?”
He shrugged. “She thought it would be easier than trying to fight this thing between you two.”
Jay turned around, glancing out the wall to wall window in the dining room. The view was what had sold him and Mike on the penthouse apartments. Right now, he didn’t even see the breathtaking view of the city as his mind tried to process Victoria’s motives for leading him to believe she was falling for his brother. “That’s what I don’t get… why the hell is she tryin’ to fight it? I’m crazy about her, but she keeps pushin’ me away.”